Breathe. Balance. Step forward unapologetically in your authentic identity.

I am in charge over my body and my life. (And so are you!)

I have questioned every label ever assigned to me. (And so can you!)

I have examined every belief, why I ever believed it & asked why do I believe it now?

I have carefully considered the impact and influence, healthy/ unhealthy, that life experiences have had on me and now, ever-seeking to change the things I desire to change.

I guide others on how to do this through inspiring content and practical steps.

I will share the books that I read, the products I use, etc that make my life better.

I’m removing the filters that others in my life would rather I keep in place.

This will be raw, real… authentic… by my rules.

This is me… without apology.


Severe ADHD.

Creative. Writer. Photographer. Chef. Poet.

Avid Reader / Podcast Listener

Lover of the outdoors - especially Colorado Rockies.

Grief overcomer.


Faith Xconstruction (that’s what I call it - deconstructing religious doctrine out of it - and reconstructing faith & my Kingdom Identity.) Side Note: Truth can withstand scrutiny. If you are a person of faith / religious doctrine and witnessing someone on a journey of deconstruction makes you squirm, angry, judgmental, intolerant, etc - maybe you might benefit from deconstruction yourself. Just sayin’… I don’t share this part of my journey to win you over to my side. I share it to give others who think they are alone - or feel they have to be silent - know that they aren’t alone.

2025 will be all about our Story Wellness - a holistic to up-level our stories that make up every area of our lives. Once we’ve unlocked our authentic identity and learn to bring balance to our nervous system then we can Dream in Our Identity in all areas of our lives:

Memberships - This is our connection / relationship with our people groups.

Mission - This is how we engage and invest our time, energy and money through our work, purpose and mission as well as through our generosity and philanthropy.

Medicine - This is our whole health - physical, mental, emotional and personal growth / further education.

Merriment & Mischief - This is our fun and how we celebrate one another.

Methods - This is our systems, our practices and our connection to something bigger than and outside of ourselves.

I invite you to upgrade your subscription to the paid tier/membership so that you can enjoy deeper dives through content and worksheets/workbooks when warranted.

I may make you uncomfortable at times. There may be other times you think I’m crazy. Other times - or maybe those same crazy times - you might actually connect or resonate with what I write.

I expect raised eye brows because, let’s face it. I was NOT born to fit in, blend in, or be like everyone else. I was born bold - but spent way too much of my life silent, safely in the shadows.

“Your cookie cutter system won’t work for me. I am not a cookie.” - MelAnn

Sometimes things just need to be said!  

I’ve walked away from promoting high ticket coaching cohorts, for now. I’m taking a big risk here. But I just really feel led to go this direction.

In some things I share, from time to time, I will offer paid tier members deeper dive content, worksheets/workbooks that are the same exercises I used to reach whatever place or conclusion I share in that post. So, if not just to support your favorite writer (ha), you will receive content that takes you further on your own journey.

Rapture: experience intense joy or delight so magical that it transforms & transports you to sacred spaces that expand your Divine story.

Rapture is the word God gave me along with this definition. Rapture is my ultimate mission journey’s goal. We can recognize and create sacred spaces in our journey. But it is God who up-levels our experience as we reside in or travel through those spaces.

I’m still unraveling what this means for our journey - something to aspire to.

Story Concierge Services

I still offer to do tribute videos and photo books / coach you through it. Please contact me for more information on those. I no longer teach people how to do it themselves on a group level.

Why subscribe? Stay up-to-date

Receive a weekly newsletter and access to previews of posts that are offered to the paid tier.

Why the PAID Tier - Story Wellness Membership?

The paid tier includes:

  • my gratitude for supporting my work

  • Deep dive workbooks/worksheets - create your own Life Atlas with your own compass by mapping for more. This is coaching / stragegy content for FAR LESS than the cost of coaching.

  • occasional paid-tier only articles / offers

Why become a Founding Friend (Tier 3)?

Because you’re my friend and you want to?

Receive a free week of on-demand coaching via the app.

So, what are you waiting for?

I Still Don’t Understand - Do I Have to Pay?

Absolutely not. It’s an option for those who wish to support my writing. I also accept donations as well if you just want to make a one time payment.

Subscribe to the Phoenix Whisperer | Story Wellness

Stories are life's souvenirs. Our best stories rise from the ashes where life tried to burn us down. Also home to Story Wellness! Breathe, Balance & Step Forward Unapologetically in Your Authentic Identity!


I write. I may make you angry, sad, laugh, cry, uncomfortable, etc. I would rather make you feel something rather than nothing at all. Introvert. Creative. Poet. Chef. ADHD. Adoptee. Grief. Midlife. Identity. Faith Xcontruction.